Monday, December 14, 2009

Cerita hujung minggu

Last Saturday, i went to CS..wanted to bought a new sandal for my sis and me..konon sajela nk g cs coz aku suke one of kedai kasut tu...beside summit - VERNS
different style cket compared others...ntah la..aku syg, aku x berkenan plak satu pun..mcm kasut2 yg ade tu same jek dr mase nk raya yg lps..ntah..hehe

So, pusing2...smp kepale pun senoneng dgn org yg too crowded..bosan aku ckp ngan adik, jom kte g somewhere else and there u go..angsana menjadi pilihan kami...hehe..take about half an hour, we arrived angsana..also crowded with people..but xdela sakit mata sgt..sbb dkt angsana ni mostly yg dtg with their family, and bdk2 yg ber'couple'2 ni kureng la cket..:D

adela something yg we all beli..fiza dgn kasut die..hehe klaka..die tny aku lawa x kasut tu..ya..mmg lawa..tgk harga okk..rm39.90 (aku nmpk harga tu la) ...berpatutan la bile nk byr harga sbnr rm59.90...hehe...terbeliak mata adik aku pndg kt aku...da aku kene top-up..rupenye slh pndg..hehe...da beli nk wat camne...

dlm kol 7, we all smp umah...mnd2, solat and mkn...blk2 je bile da rehat rase pening teramat sgt and rase mcm nk demam...bile ckp ngan H die pun same mcm nk demam..kebetulan...tu la keje je kan...hehe

Thursday, December 10, 2009

happy seeing everyone happy...

it such a feeling...seeing everyone is happy with their life..especially for those who has built a new phase in their life with happy to share good news of them..:D ntah bile hari aku nk tiba praying for that precious moment..

Last Saturday and Sunday, 3 of my friends having their own day..fazni's engagement (5/12),nisa's and abg zaidi's wedding (6/12)..congrats to them..but sorry to fazni coz i hav something to settle on last saturday and x dpt nk dtg..but on sunday, 2-2 wedding tu aku dpt short trus from JJ to Kulai..:) exhausting coz the wheather is too hot..but it still enjoy..

and nk dipendekkan cite, im lost onthe way back to JB from umah abg suppose kuar simpang belok kirim tp we all belok kanan...and yg sdpnye msg2 leh wat senyap jek coz maybe pk btolla jln driving, so ok,,just followed what they'll say..hehe and at last..pnyla jauh smp kte jmp roundabout, dat time br la sume bkk mate..first dtg ngan abg usop follow blkg, tp abg usop da blk dulu..xde plak jmp roundabout, so confirm slh jln...msg2 cuak coz tank fuel tinggl 1 bar, and kene ikut blk jln yg boring td..aku pun pecut arr ape lg...hahaha

nk ikutkan kol 5 lbh da leh smp bcoz of our careless ni..kol 7 br smp
pnt sgt, tmbh lapar lg..kt umah zaidi we all x mkn pun sbb too crowded..peluh mencurah2 lg..da xde ati nk mkn..dgn pening lg...hehe..kene sesat plak tu..blk umah mencekik tunaikan ape yg wajib dulu la..:D

itu la aku, kak reen, dot and linda..msg2 lapa dlm kete mkn roti and junkfoods jek singgah beli mase isi minyak..mcm2 hal je kan..:D

but anyway, im happy seeing all my frens happy..:)

He come never expect...

Its been awhile since last i updated my blog here..rasa sgt sibuk lately ni..
sibuk dgn hal keje, as usual la started to went home late..but not so late..just around 8-8.30pm tired..but have to coz so many works to do..cant avoid it..huhu....but least, ade ot, xdela cket sgt rase dpt gaji dis month kan...:D

2-3 days before, i received a few of sms's come from my ex-bf..just wondering shocked at the first place..either i want to reply his sms pr first, i think NO..but my heart say 'just giv him chance'...not chance as be my bf again, sbb he's married..chance to be like before..huhu...

after one sms go to another sms and so on..until he said something that make me curious on him..what is it??? he called me..huh..why he called me...i dont want to hear that voice anymore...but as 'friend', should i??

i pick up the phone...and we're say hello and ask how im getting on..:)
didn't expect he still remember me..coz die penah ckp dulu..b4 we both officially putus..die msh sygkan aku lg smp bila2..cume in a different way la..syg die pd aku hingga appreciate that kind of his feeling..cume syg, he's not mine..he belongs to somebody else..i should let his go..and yes..i already do that..lepaskan dia...its really hard to me, terus trg..
and kalau bole, aku da x nak tau whatever lg ttg die after he's married, but die mtk aku jgn putuskan terus hubungan kami and let we'll be as friend forever..tapi ape yg wat aku nk tergelak kan..die ckp..xdpt aku kt dunia, die tggu aku kt akhirat..what a words...:D

and the worst part is im feel so sad after hear his crying (xdela ye ye sgt nangis) mata da merah...itu yg pelik..every time mmg mcm tu..itu la klo bole aku xnk tau pape psl die x nak paham...atau saje x nk paham..

tp aku rase, aku pun x dpt nk lupekan die jgk..sbb jiwa kami sama..mungkin itula yg merapatkan sygnye jodoh kami x pnjg..mungkin tuhan da tetapkan yang kami tidak ditakdirkan utk bersama..huhuhuhu

Forget all those sad things, i have to start a new chapter in my life..thanks to god coz telah bukakkan hati aku utk mule berkwn dgn lelaki semula..:D...

for this time being, aku berdoa yg hati aku ni xkan berubah2...cube atasi mslh aku yg takut nk berkwn ngan lelaki tu slowly..:)

ok la, setakat ini saje ape yg mampu aku tulis..sbb tgh free cket ni, itu yg nk update blog..asyik sibuk dgn FB je some games there, make me addicted..haunted btoll kan Fb ni..
u guys take care..see ya the next entry..

* to my sweet cik zara, x sangka ur day is coming...hope u smile always while waiting to be a such lovely bride to be (biar berseri2 wajah akak k)
since cik zara da x jd my colleagu, can i call u as 'kakak', can i??
and jgn tension2 slalu...okk..hehe

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A day wihout my car

Haha...its funny is it...its just only ur not wit ur car for the whole day but u feel like what...haha...that is me..difficult to jln2 la kan..hehe...pth kaki ni..but...should settled the service first or else my car suddenly breakdown on the road if i just tunda2 kan...huhu...mtk dijauhkan..coz aku bknnye reti bab2 kete ni..sure panik pny...

Da smp major service actually my car, but i didn't notice it until the mechanic told me that something leaking in my engine...(really donno how to mention here) hehe...and hav to change it before it become more i had any others option??? The answer is NO...hahahahaha..

Ada mcm2 bnde aku plan utk my car..As all my family know la...from the first year until now..theres nothing new with my car...only bln bile aritu dpt duit lbh cket kan psg spoiler..hehe..
and now, after done all the things, i wanted to change my sport rim...hmm...cant wait to see the new car of me..haha...:D
This is before :

we'll see the after ya...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Bro Engagement Day..

Last week on 18th Oct, Sunday is my bro engagement day..da terlambat nk post dlm blog ni sbb bz sgt main ikan dlm FB..hehe...Congrats bro...coz u get engage first before ur sister and ur bro..its fate..but its okk..coz it just an engagement, not a still ok with that..
Ramai sedara mare aku yg dtg that day..Family Pak Ngah lah antara yg terawl smp..sbb ape..ayah kate kol 11lbh nk gerak dr umah..sgt awk plak die dtg...aku pun lum mandi lg coz nk settle kan dulu all the things make it xdela mak nk suruh2 aku lagi kan..hehe...thanks to sume saudara mara aku yg dtg utk memeriahkan lg suasana dan all dayang2 yg tlg bwkkan dulang hantaran sume...dgn cuaca yg sgt panas aritu..make-up pun cair...haha..
Disebabkan internet kt opis ni slow giler..lmbt nk upload post nnt aku enclosed kay..
skang ni aku nk cont susun2 bil ni sume..x abes2 g..nsb la tggl sekotak jek lg...


Today is Sunday...A relaxing day suppose...tapi aku kt opis..terkontang kanting wat keje..susun2 bil and voucher..yg da berbulan aku simpan coz many others work to do..huhu..,smp da berkotak2 kt tepi meja aku..hehe..lame2 semak lak mata aku to giv xtra time doing all this kind of bills..separate these to each month..i hate it..:D not feeling well coz got a flu sbb jangkit2 dr org..x suke..x suke..pening pale..mkn ubat pun x jln..huhu..hoping tomorrow i'll be fine and can work conveniently...:)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Miz for the new entry....

My bro engagements